Shelter is a fundamental human need. Housing security frees up our capacity to meet our other needs and goals such as work, relationships and our mental and emotional wellbeing. This basic need for housing is amplified when there are additional accessibility needs.
I set up
AccessiblePRS to create ways to significantly increase the provision and availability of accessible homes around the UK. We are involved in the private rental market, in part because it has some shockingly low statistics. It’s a frustrating place for those who fall between the gaps of social housing and the ability to purchase their own home, or who need the flexibility to be able to move around with work. Additionally, it’s a sector with some easily fixable broken links, and solutions that benefit everyone.
This is a huge market, with 1.8m people in the UK living with accessible housing needs, an ageing population and a housing system, embedded with a variety of barriers for wheelchair users to find the existing limited stock. Additionally, properties should be where tenants need to live with work, schools, transport links and support networks all being factors.